1 What if I don’t like the pictures that I have paid for?
All portraits are 100% guaranteed. This means your money will be refunded (without any questions) if you are not happy with your pictures. Simply return your package to the center within 24 hours.
2Can my child take pictures and I view it before I paid for them?
Yes. We also offer a PROOF FIRST option for a slightly higher cost. This allows you the view the best images (selected on us) taken on picture day. If you like this picture you can purchased it at our PROOF-FIRST prices. This price is a bit more than the PREPAID prices. For the centers to use the program 70% of the photos taken must be our PREPAID PROGRAM.
3Can I save money by prepaying?
YES. You’ll save $5-$10 per-package with our PREPAID PROGRAM.
4How long will it take to get our picture back?
Our normal delivery time is 14-21 business days. This may vary during the holiday season. PROOF FIRST packages are an additional 7-14 business days from the time the proofs are received in the studio.
5What if my child didn’t smile?
We can’t guarantee a smile. We do feel we can produce a great photo of your child with or without a smile. Again if you don’t like your child’s picture you can return them to the center for a complete refund.
6Do you do re-shoots?
Yes. If your center schedules at least 20 prepaid children for the re-shoot day, we may schedule a re-shoot at your center. This is usually 2-3 weeks after the orginal picture day.
7Can I choose the background?
Yes. With our Green Screen Program you can have a choice of four backgrounds. But your child can not wear any green clothing. The Center must first select the program.
8Can I re-order any pictures?
Yes. Within 7 days after you received your package. Fill out the re-order card and drop it off at it the center with your payment and then call us at: 800-285-0992. Delivery is 7-14 business days.
9Can I purchase more than one pose?
Yes. If you want more than 1 pose fill out an envelope for each pose. You must order a package for each pose.
10What payments do you accept?
Cash and Money orders
11Can I have an extra child in the photo?
Yes. You must add an additional $10.00 to whichever package you select. You must purchase Package A, B or C.
12Can I purchase any other products?
Yes. We provide: Tee Shirts, Tote Bags and Mouse Pads for $20.00. This must be an add-on the your package. THEY ARE NOT SOLD SEPARATLEY. We also offer laminated posters for $40.00 when you purchase package A and $60.00 when you purchase package B or C.